You’re not in Kansas anymore

board-fashion-floor-125437It’s been a few years since my last post. During that time, I’ve been enjoying my life and planning for my future. My daughter is now in grade 12 and applying for universities. I am still self-employed, still on provincial disability and still learning about myself and how to navigate this thing called life.

I was recently interviewed on my experiences with poverty. How did I manage? How did I get out of it?

I don’t know how I managed, but I know I didn’t do it alone. I had friends, non-profit organizations and mentors who helped me along the way. What got me out of poverty was getting on disability. It enabled me to pay my rent and included a bus pass for me to get around. That was the beginning of my recovery from poverty.

And I never want to be there again. I never want to worry about how I’m going to pay my bills or feed my family or get to a meeting or wonder if I can afford to meet a friend for coffee. And it’s that fear of being in poverty that pushes me forward.

Now I have to figure out how to get off of disability.

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